Saturday, December 29, 2012

America Start your....Diets

Wow, what a crazy year.

I have to say that this was thee most nerve wracking, unsettling, UP and Down years of my life. The pressure of College nearly cracked me in the first quarter and getting sick in the third quarter and missing school about gave me a nervous breakdown. You never know how strong you are until you have to endure it all. But really, how strong are you when you have to use vices that you depended on your entire life to get you through situations? Human strong I guess.

I wish better things for 2013. I am going into this New Year with a positive outlook, hope and dreams. Focusing on what I want to happen. These are not really New Years Resolutions but just general goals. I have always been a goal setter, I love to start a new task on a Monday. So it is only fitting for me to set new goals for a new year.

I wish I knew what I wrote down last year for my goal. I am trying to rack my brain. I don't think I made a list and I think it was pretty light. It wasn't like lose weight, or anything in the regards to physical improvement. Shoot, that is always on the list. Like I actually need to write that one down, right? I know.. Right!

So this year my goals are:
  1. Floss Everyday
  2. Extend more Grace, less judgemental, more forgiving.
  3. Continue to work on not consuming myself with the problems of others.
  4. Be a better person to others.
  5. Be a better person to myself. Focusing on my physical health.
  6. Get A's in school.
  7. De clutter my house.
  8. Find something beautiful everyday and take a picture of it.
That is my list. My wise friend asked me "What is your plan to succeed?" How will you know if you failed? A person who fails to plan, plan to fails." Ahhh, my voice of reason. I love you friend.
So, I need a plan. I am going to print out my list and frame it to remind me to do these things everyday. I will see it on somewhat of a daily basis and I will know if I have done these things or not.

So while this list is long, I don't find it daunting or unreasonable. As long as I remember what they all are by keeping a visual reminder I will stay on task.
I am not waiting for January 1st. I am starting right now, today. Saturday, December 29th, 2012
Why not end the year a success in hopes of starting the new year a winner.

I do hope to journal more. I get so busy with school and don't find the time like I should. However, with John working nights that will free up a lot of time for me to spend with guess who? Me! As long as my homework, housework, and bodywork are all done I should have some free "creative" time to unload my millions of random thoughts that pop in and out of this noggin.

Happy New Years to you and yours. May this year we all find beauty, love, health and peace.
Time is ticking, we mustn't take one single day for granted.

Best wishes to my reader. LOL

Thursday, December 13, 2012

So this is Christmas... & a Happy New Year.... (Love this song).
As the end of the year approaches, we (or rather I) reflect on all of the things I have done, didn't do and want to do it and so it can all be a bit overwhelming. I find that with time, the speed of each year rapidly passes by and that can only mean one thing; embrace every day. We are living on borrowed time and I kick myself in the shins for taking a single day for granted.

A lot has changed this year and there are more changes to come in the year to follow. I have one more full quarter of classes and then I will start my intern ship. I will have to get a part time job in April (Starbucks here I come). I wondered if I printed my resume on coffee bean stationery if that would be a bit much? With John's new job, the house will be empty during the night and this is a new change for me but am thankful for my friends that keep me company and include me in their lives.

I have big hopes and dreams for 2013 and I plan to pamper myself for sure by investing in my health, future and my family and friends. You wont find this girl sitting on the couch watching life pass her by, no, you will find her living life and laughing and by laughing I mean a lot. I count my blessings and thank the Lord above for all that He has given me.

Change is never easy, however, the exciting part of change is it never leaves us the same. The question asked is, does it change us for the better or the worse? I will do my best to make sure that it will always change me for the better. Losing my job a year and a half ago, changed me, for the better. I saw it as an opportunity to better myself and to make the best out of the situation. I followed my dream, to go back to School. Yay me!

I am mentally preparing myself for the year ahead and all the challenges it brings with it. I also look forward to the opportunities for it to help me grow into an even better person who achieves her dreams and chases after life with the passion that's inside her. Why am I talking in third person? I am and always will be goofy. I don't see that changing. Hope to write more now that I am on Christmas Break.

Take care Journal!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 2

Okay, so yesterday was not the best turn out food wise. Let's just focus on the positives.
I walked 3 miles. I drank 48 oz. of water and I didn't eat any ice cream or fast food.

The Volunteering went ok. I don't know if that is where I am to be, I didn't feel a magnetic pull to it as I so hoped I would. The BS was great, the work was nice, easy and theraputic. Will I go back? I havent decided. I might give it another go.

This morning I started my boot camp class. I was not sure what to expect. I was sweating like a you know what, and afterwards it was good. I was glad to meet everyone, who has lost 40 + pounds just in th 8 weeks. I am seriously considering dropping Weight Watchers (I already know what to eat) and signing up with this boot camp for on year.

I can either weigh in there once a week or I can schedule something with Helmi and go weigh in at her place once a week. I have to try something new, and I think I would get more out of this than I would weight watchers, if I want, I can actually go to TOPS (same concept as Weight Watchers, but it's $20 a year).

I am ready to get this weight OFF.

I am not going to lie, I am a little tired, but that is good. So As I sit here drinking my coffee out on my patio, listening to the birds sing, I am trying to muster up the energy to go and clean since the Gosh darn house fairie is another no show. I mean Really? Do I have to do everything.

Lunch with my friend Lynnell today!!! I am excited, haven't see her for about 3 months and I have missed her.

Goals for today - drink 100 oz.
download fitness pal
clean house.

Laters, baby.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 1

The alarm rang at 5:30 and I got up, excited to start my exercising again. Changed clothes with one eye open and chugged down my coffee. My good and faithful friend Robin arrived and we set off on our 3 mile walk. Boy, am I a little out of shape. I could feel it. It was a beautiful morning, 60 degrees and with the exception of a few stray dogs, the walk was just what I needed to get back into my regiment.

Today is my first day to volunteer at Christ Kitchen. I am excited to at the opportunity to meet other woman, and to give back and contribute. My goal is to keep busy this Summer. Tomorrow I go with Pam to the U-district and attend a work out class from 6am to 7am. So, if I play my cards right, I should have not only social, but productive activities everyday of the week. Which, was my goal.

I have a new found hobby of feeding the birds that are in my back yard. Who would of ever thought that such pleasure would come from laying food and water out for God's creatures and watching them eat, bath and drink. I feel like a mother hen, I want to start singing the hills are alive and have them climb aboard my shoulder. I know, a little to much to ask, but one can dream.

If they don't kick me out sooner, I should be home around 1:00 and I want to get my laundry done and start deep cleaning, room by room.

I know I have only two readers, Thanks (you know who you are) but I am going to use this as my outlet to be accountable. I have not been on program since December 2011 and I am ready to embrace the healthy life style again.

Goals just for today:
Walk 3 miles - DONE.
Drink 100 oz of water.
Eat 2 veggies and 1 fruit
Journal food (not exceeding points).
Make a list of household projects that I would like to accomplish this summer. (publish)
Make a Summer Bucket list. (publish)

This Summer is going to be meaningful.

Laters Baby,

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

97 Days to go!

School is out for Summer. This year so far has had it's ups and downs. I went through A&P class, which was severley challenging and also had my bouts with depression. I hope that is all behind me. I have 98 days of freedom. Freedom to do with as I choose.

My goal is to (starting tomorrow) lose as much weight as I can in 97 days. I envision myself 50 pounds lighter but I will take any loss that comes my way, but I am really shooting for 50. My goal is to work out 2 hours a day 5 days a week and do an activity type exercise twice a week (weekends).

I will be planning my menu's, posting my good healthy finds on my food blog.

Wish me luck.

Tomorrow' menu:

100 oz. Of water
3 mile walk
60 minute bike ride

1 cup Kashi, 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup blueberries and one string cheese.
Lunch (unknown)
Dinner Grilled Chicken breast, bbq asparagus, cottage cheese and zuchinni.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


There are plenty of mornings that before my feet touch the ground I am planning my day. I am the most productive planner ever. However, I am not the biggest achiever when it comes to the follow through. I can write lists, I can day dream of completed projects, inside, outside and crafty wise. Oh, you want to know how to plan? I can help. Now, can someone help me with follow through?

Well I can't say that today was a total waste... I did get my morning work out in. I went to School, I did some things in the office, I made a smoothie, cleaned the kitchen and did my home work. I must admit with my big brown eyes that I didn't complete the outside projects that I had hoped to cross of my list nor the three loads of unforgiving laundry that keep accumulating in my basement.

Well, if I didn't do everything that was on my list, what did I do instead? I do believe that it is a great feeling to be productive and get the to-do's crossed off the lists that never stop growing; I also love to be inspired. Yes, that is right. Sometimes we need a day to look into things that inspire us; be it recipes, projects, pre planning to my planning. Today I made a new folder and I labeled it "To Do Recipes" and in this folder are recipes such as; Oatmeal Crumble Muffins, Mexican Rice, Cinnamon Toast Rolls and Almond -Crusted Chicken with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce. All recipes I stumbled upon while blog surfing. I am excited to try them. Just in time for camping.

I am always on the look out for new recipes and inventive ideas when it comes to anything domestic. The day isn't over yet, so maybe another 45 minutes on the hunt for more inspiration and then I must get another work out in and finish cleaning oh and why I suppose I had better start some laundry even if I don't fold it until tomorrow. Sometimes I wish I lived next door to Winnie The Pooh and could just respond to the laundry with an "Oh bother" and leave it for someone else to do.

Today has been a great day. Hope yours has been too.

Live your best life,

Another day, a new chance, a new month, a new chapter...

Good Morning World AKA my oyster,

Today's blog will feature my will to live with purpose. : ) I have a little over one year left of School and possibly will be my last Summer totally free. What to do? What to do? Well, I can't just lay around in the sun all Summer, taking trips to the lake and watching soaps. While this would be fun, it also would be a little unfulfilled. So, I need to make good use of my time and energy and it starts today.

I haven't been in the right mind set about losing weight at all and frankly I need a mental break from even thinking about it. So, I think the break has been long enough and I truly feel ready to tackle the challenge before me and give it another shot at continuing my weight loss journey. So today I started with an hour on my bike and I will do another hour of cardio after I get back from School.

I also will try to keep active, there are plenty of things I want and need to accomplish around my house. We have a huge yard project that we are starting and there is a million and one things to do outside. If the weather permits, I will be getting the earth ready for my flowers.

I have decided I need to pay it forward more. Once a week, I want to make an attempt to pay it forward, do something nice for somebody, even if it's just putting a smile on their face. : ) Sometimes helping others is the most fulfilling thing we can do. Sure, it would be nice to have a million dollars and to play secret santa, but that isn't the case, right now, so I have to use the resources that God gave me. My time and the things that I do have.

I want to reinvent myself, my life and live with purpose... going day to day is not full filling me and here all this time I thought, well if I didn't work, I could do more things like that. Wrong - none of the things I had daydreamed of are actually happening. We have to take what we have, at that moment and do something for the greater of the good for someone else. No more excuses.

Today, the name I picked out of the hat was Justin Shogren. While it's his birthday today, I already will be going over, I've decided (cuz he is a funny kind of guy) that I would go to the store and buy the best looking steak there is and wrap it up as a birthday present : ) - So not sure that it counts, since I was going to do that anyways, but I am going to stick with that.

Today, I am going to plan a 7 day menu, pick up the office, do some laundry, work on my math, work out in the yard, get another hour of cardio in and stop by the store. Once all these things are done, I am going to work on making some cards and then possibly send a few people.

Well I must run, I have so much more to say..... but maybe later!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I am hearing allot of talk about living life on purpose, with a purpose and having a passion for your purpose. The only thing I can think of right now that I would be passionate about is, being a Mom. I truly feel like I was destined to be a Mom. It's like I am not willing to accept the fact that I may not be a Mom. I won't accept it and I need to never give up on the dream of becoming one.

It makes me sad to not have a family. I don't talk about it allot but deep down inside to my core it really effects me. Some days more than others. It is all I have ever dreamed of since I was a little girl playing house "being the bossy Mamma" I truly feel like I don't have a family and the family that I do have, I don't feel like I belong. I feel so displaced sometimes and I just want to create my own family, I want three children. Two boys and a girl ok, two girls and a boy would be pretty awesome too.

I am so thankful for my husband and Mom. They feel like the only family I have. I really need to focus now on losing the rest of my weight. I don't know why I am holding myself back but I have got to push through, if losing weight is my only chance at getting pregnant than I have a big emotional hill to climb but the outcome will be great. I want children more than anything in life.

I need to have this be my anchor. I need to think of this and strive and believe that this will come true... The hole in my heart is so large and while I try to fill it with other things, it never works. If you are reading this, please keep me in your prayers to be a Mom.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Break

Well it sounds funner than it actually is. Although, I can't lie and say that I haven't enjoyed sleeping in and doing whatever I've wanted to, because the truth is... I have loved every minute of it. I guess the thing I love the most is not having stress. It feels good to be stress free. Like any other goal oriented American, or maybe it's just what I do; I made a chore list of everything that I wanted to accomplish this week. However, it started out a Spring Cleaning list and ended up being a Summer list; meaning that I put far to many things on there to be done in one week.

So, today I am going to organize my sewing room. I have taken up a new craft; making cards. I love to send cards so why not make them. Of course, they are very generic, plain and boring. Just waiting to go to a stamping up class to learn how to make the cool ones. I am a total card. : ) heheh Love getting cards and love sending them as well.

I got up at 5:30 this morning and walked with Robin and then came home and biked for 20 minutes. Boy I feel out of shape. I need to kick it into high gear. Next week, I want to bike for an hour a day. Hopefully my legs can keep up. They get tired fast on a bike. That's OK, I worked up a great sweat. I know one of these days it's all going to click. The food, the work outs, the desire and focus to lose weight and I will start losing again. Until then; no panic, no stressy, no worry - just love and accept myself right where I am at. : )

Be present in the moment. Don't escape it.

Well I suppose I better get busy if I want to be productive. I want to clean the bathroom and do the kitchen floor today too. I am not gonna lie, laying on the couch watching chick flicks while I cross stitch sounds so much more appealing.

Hope whoever is reading this is having a wonderful day.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Career Change!

Well I am going to get in and see my counselor asap and see how soon I can switch my course. I have decided that I am going to change course and go to school to get my medical receptionist degree/certificate. I wont have pre-reqs done in enough time to do the Dental Assisting and in the chance the PTA program does not accept me, I can hopefully switch my classes immediately and be done by Dec 2012, and still have 5 months of unemployment to look for work. Say prayers that this all falls in line... : ) He is guiding my steps, I am just following.


Running away from yourself

Those words hit home with me when I heard Bob Harper tell Rosie O' D that on her show. Rosie was talking about how she hated her body and couldn't look at herself and Bob brought up such a good point and said, you can't be like that, because it will make you want to run away from yourself. Instead you need get naked, stand in front of the mirror and embrace yourself, love yourself right where you are at.

When we run from ourselves, we turn to, all sorts of things except ourselves and it only adds to further disappointment. It was an Ah Hah moment for me. I do that allot... I turn to food to run from myself... I find myself so stressed out lately with school that I have really turned to food for comfort and soothing. I am working out just not to gain weight and it's driving me crazy.

So today, I choose a different approach. I think I made up my mind that school is just not for me. I will finish out this year, and apply for the PTA program and then look for a job, and hopefully get a decent job. I feel more peace today about that decision... I am calm and just led by my heart. I will of course pray and take inventory of my emotions, situation, goals, etc., in the months to come but this is the direction that I am going.

My approach is to embrace myself. I am OK with who I am, where I am and I love myself right where I am. No more running, no more desperate attempts to have to lose all my weight overnight. It's holding me back and stressing out me out. So, I will make healthier choices and maybe set a goal to lose 1 lb. a week for right now and in a month or so, check in and see where I am at.

Losing weight is more than just sticking to a diet and working out; it is 90% emotional for me. I am really great at beating myself up while loving everyone else, and giving everyone else I love bounds of grace but for some odd reason, never extending that to myself, nor loving myself the way that I need to be loved. I feel in such a good place today. The stress of school is over, the stress of have to lose all my weight right now is over, the stress of being mad at myself for school and not losing weight is over.

Today, I have peace. I close my eyes and just embrace this moment and am thankful for it and all my blessings and the strength to carry on and to live to fight another day. I am not under the gun in any manner. I got to clean my house and start a craft project while drinking tea and having a cookie and it was nice. It was just what the doctor ordered.

I have a million creative ideas running through my head and all these crafts and projects I wanna start. I also want this Summer to be active; swimming, tennis, hikes, biking etc., I want to have a fantastic active summer. I want to work in my yard and make it cute, I want to grow a garden. I have some Easter projects I wanna make.

Tomorrow I am going to make Easter cookies and deliver to my loved ones to put a smile on their face. I cannot tell you enough how badly, I just want a job instead of going to school. I have never wanted a normal schedule with no pressure, stress, deadlines from four different classes all at once and make sure you memorize everything too.

Today I give myself the gift of peace and with that, I smile and soak up the rest that comes along with that. My mind is restful and there is a balance right now today.

Never run away from yourself, run towards yourself, you are worth it. We all are.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I think I almost did lose my mind.

Dear Blog,

               I have missed you! It feels incredibly great to have spare time to write again. I even posted a food blog this morning, it was nothing fancy, yet it's still something that I love to do. I never knew that I require ME time to be happy? I am not complaining but the last sixty days have pushed me, stretched me and pulled me beyond my breaking limits. Those people that warned me about Anatomy and Physiology were not kidding when they said, "Say goodbye to your social life, free time, you time, any time!"
They weren't joking.

This was me this FALL 2011 quarter

              Then I started Winter 2012 Quarter.
I learned more than 213 bones, grooves, fissures, muscles, reflexes, nerves, etc., Not to mention how all that works. I also learned that I don't have the coping tools to deal with stress. I don't think that I have ever had a more challenging task in my life, than finishing the AP course. Thank God for my exercise regiment or else I would probably be up 20 pounds. I found myself becoming overwhelmed with life, laundry and lessons. I thought I saw a light at the end of the tunnel but I was wrong. It was a train.

This was me this quarter

             I know what you're thinking and you're right, I am not normally a negative person, I am chipper, upbeat and most of the time so darn happy I drive people nuts but this course took me down a 100 paces. There are no words that can articulate the experience that not only I had to endure but my lovely classmates as well. I was told before going into the class that people fail, people walk away, people start drinking (raises hand).

Sending out an SOS!

            There is good news after all, and well I guess I should make this the turn around where I become positive again. I didn't fail this class, nor walk away and as a matter of fact I have a 89% in the class. This old lady who never went to high school had to work very hard for that grade. I also had two other classes. English was reading and writing intensive and math. While I love English, I was sad to say that I couldn't dedicate nearly as much time as I had hoped and would of loved to. I wasn't able to focus and study on math like I should of either, I hate math anyway. So that wasn't a heartbreak like the English was.

Boy oh boy, it was a roller coaster ride and with the exception of one last final, it is over. If I could spell hal a luya I would. But I can't, so you get the picture.

           Spring break is approaching and I am excited to get my house back in order. Start the new season off with a less stressful schedule and get back to eating right, working out, drinking my water, planting flowers, sewing, making new recipes, blogging, cleaning, girls day's, pedicures (my poor tootsies), craft days, new projects. I am ready to get ME back. I am ready to get my social life back and start living life a little bit more. Although, I will still be in school, it will be a walk in the park compared to last quarter.

           I want to start blogging again on a weekly basis and get my peace back! I am ready for peace. : ) Start loving life again. That's what Mistie is about; life and living every moment the best she can.
I bid you a good farewell until we meet again,

Happy again!