Well boy am I excited. Yahoo! Woooweeee! I think I'll just scream from the roof tops, if ya don't mind.
Yep, there is she is again, up there hootin and a hollerin.
Well let me catch you up to speed, this week and last week, I've spent several hours at the college, and unemployment taking tests, getting registered, doing research, filling out a ton of paper work... not to mention, doing my normal Diva Duties ... Cooking, Cleaning, Sewing, Water ting the lawn, Weeding, Laundry, on top of the pressure of picking out a career of what I want to do when I grow up.
I set my mind on becoming a Physical Therapy Assistant. I chose this for several reasons. I just cannot see myself sitting in front of a computer, being sedentary for the rest of my life talking to bitchy customers everyday and getting carpel tunnel from data entry. It ain't me. I love people, not all people... I mean let's face it... when it comes right down to it... I am picky. I don't like just everybody. I am not saying I hate everyone but I am just particular in whom I spend time with I guess you could say... but anyways back to my point. I generally do love all people and I especially love to help people. I don't want to work with things. I want to work with people and what a better way than to help people.
Not only will I enjoy what I do, but there are a few other reasons why I chose this profession. The hours are Monday - Friday, days, once I am out of school, I will get hired immediately. Now don't think I took the easy way out - my first challenge was to even get approved by WSU to be retrained, they do not consider PTA occupation to be in demand. I had to do a ton of research, write a letter why I want to do this, why I think it's in demand blah blah blah. Well I got it all completed, took it to the gal today and she was such a sweetheart. She could tell I really wanted this. She was impressed with all of the worked I had done and she called me this afternoon to tell me they approved me! YES! YES! YES!
Now comes the hard part. Not everyone that goes to school get accepted by the PTA program. I must start volunteering right now to get as many hours as I can, so when I apply in the Fall or Winter, I will have points. So Monday, I am going to St Luke's and applying for a shadow job. Watching Watching Watching. I will do one shift a week for 6 weeks. By the time school starts, I will have already have this done. In September, I am on a waiting list for Rock wood clinic's volunteer program.
As far as my weight goes, well ... I lost 5.4 last week making that a total of 61.4 lbs this week, not so good.
We had Cold Stone, Rocky's Little Caesars etc., I haven't worked out that much and I am dehydrated. So I will weigh in tomorrow and start fresh! : ) Hopefully will walk more next week and bike too.
Until I write again...
XoxXo to my one reader out there.
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